Makefile (408B)
1 .POSIX: 2 3 NAME = bpaul-http 4 5 CC = cc 6 CFLAGS = -W -O 7 all: $(NAME) 8 9 $(NAME): file.o http.o tcp.o main.o 10 $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(NAME) file.o http.o tcp.o main.o 11 12 file.o: file.c file.h 13 http.o: http.c http.h 14 tcp.o: tcp.c tcp.h 15 main.o: main.c file.h http.h tcp.h 16 17 clean: 18 rm -f prog file.o http.o tcp.o main.o 19 20 install: 21 echo 'i have not set this up yet sorry' 22 23 uninstall: 24 echo 'i have not set this up yet sorry'