2-bitboards.md (594B)
1 #Bitboards 2 3 Nowadays, chess programs represent the board using bitboards. 4 5 Blah blah what are bitboards 6 7 I want to optimize the usage of bitboards for SIMD stuff. 8 9 The functions that are called the most are: 10 Move make 11 Move unmake 12 Move generate 13 14 vectorize these somehow. 15 16 Move make function: 17 move a piece from a square to another square 18 19 20 21 22 NOTE: LZCNT is one clock cycle usually whereas TZCNT is TWO clock cycles usually on Zen 1,2,3 cpus!!!!!!!!!! strange right? 23 NOTE2: wow i forgot the fact that LZCNT counts how many 0s are at the end, not the position of the MSB, so TZCNT is still faster!