2021-12-goals (1255B)
1 Fri Dec 3 01:01:30 PM AEST 2021 2 3 A two part competition was just announced that I will be able to go to in 4 January (January 7th - 8th): 5 https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/competitions/NorthsideDuologyPart12022 6 7 Events: 8 9 3x3 10 5x5 11 6x6 12 7x7 13 3bld 14 oh 15 CLOCK!!! 16 mega 17 sq1 18 multi 19 20 One of my biggest goals is probably to get the oceanic record in 3bld single and 21 mean. I'm probably not there just yet but if I improve my turning it might be 22 possible by the comp. I also would like to finish learning full floating and 23 maybe learn ltct. 24 25 I don't practice multi but maybe I will if I get bored. I have been asked to get 26 16/16. 27 28 I may practice a bit for oh, and also finish oh cmll. 29 30 Clock!! Apparently sub 10 is free so I guess I'll get that. Sub 10 ao5 is top 30 31 in oceania! 32 33 Sq1... :( I am pretty out of practice for sq1. If I want to get ok times I guess 34 I just need to learn eo and cp and spam solves. 35 36 I have probably only solved a megaminx once using intuitive last layer, but it 37 doesn't seem like a bad event so maybe I'll practice it a bit. 38 39 5,6,7 maybe maybe I will practice, but I dont have a method so. 40 41 3x3 I am learning mehta right now so hopefully i get at least sub 20 by the 42 comp. If not I might just use the round as 3bld exec practice or something.