
I use polybar now
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commit f7a6f29486cc609652aa1024b16cd1afa7500b65
parent d3eed011269519dca2364e480bf32105b1dfd0d9
Author: Benjamin Paul <bpaul848@gmail.com>
Date:   Sun,  5 Jul 2020 17:09:49 +1000

Changed config

Mconfig.h | 24++++--------------------
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/config.h b/config.h @@ -1,26 +1,10 @@ //Modify this file to change what commands output to your statusbar, and recompile using the make command. static const Block blocks[] = { /*Icon*/ /*Command*/ /*Update Interval*/ /*Update Signal*/ - {"", "cat /tmp/recordingicon 2>/dev/null", 0, 9}, - /* {"", "music", 0, 11},*/ - {"", "pacpackages", 0, 8}, - {"", "news", 0, 6}, - /* {"", "crypto", 0, 13}, */ - /* {"", "price bat \"Basic Attention Token\" 🦁", 0, 20}, */ - /* {"", "price btc Bitcoin 💰", 0, 21}, */ - /* {"", "price lbc \"LBRY Token\" 📚", 0, 22}, */ - {"", "torrent", 20, 7}, - /* {"", "memory", 10, 14}, */ - /* {"", "cpu", 10, 18}, */ - /* {"", "moonphase", 18000, 17}, */ - {"", "weather", 18000, 5}, - {"", "mailbox", 180, 12}, - /* {"", "nettraf", 1, 16}, */ - {"", "volume", 0, 10}, - {"", "battery", 5, 3}, - {"", "clock", 60, 1}, - {"", "internet", 5, 4}, - {"", "help-icon", 0, 15}, + {"🧠", "free -h | awk '/^Mem/ { print $3\"/\"$2 }' | sed s/i//g", 30, 0}, + {"", "battery", 30, 0}, + {"📅 ","date '+%a, %b %d'", 30, 0}, + {"⏰ ","date '+%I:%M:%S %p'", 1, 0}, }; //sets delimeter between status commands. NULL character ('\0') means no delimeter.