
My personal nixos and home-manager configuration
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      1 # NixOS and home-manager Configuration
      3 This repo contains the configuration files for my laptop and desktop.
      4 My laptop runs NixOS!!
      5 My desktop runs Arch linux and uses only home-manager. Most of the configuration is with home-manager so it doesnt make much of a difference.
      7 This configuration is managed using flakes. They are very cool.
      9 ## Current programs used:
     10 |                      |           |
     11 | -                    | -         |
     12 | Window Manager       | bspwm     |
     13 | Hotkey daemon        | xbindkeys |
     14 | Status bar           | polybar   |
     15 | Terminal emulator    | Alacritty |
     16 | Editor               | Neovim    |
     17 | Shell                | zsh       |
     18 | Prompt               | starship  |
     19 | Application launcher | rofi      |
     20 | Notification daemon  | dunst     |
     21 | pdf reader           | zathura   |
     22 | Browser              | firefox   |
     24 Note there may be configuration for programs that I don't use, and they are probably there from me trying out those programs.
     26 i might explain how i use the programs later idk