
My personal nixos and home-manager configuration
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default.nix (2164B)

      1 { config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
      3 with lib;
      5 {
      6   options.polybar = {
      7     enable = mkEnableOption "Polybar";
      8     colours = {
      9       background = mkOption {
     10         type = types.str;
     11         default = "#222";
     12         example = "#123456";
     13         description = "The background colour of the bar.";
     14       };
     15       background-alt = mkOption {
     16         type = types.str;
     17         default = "#444";
     18         example = "#123456";
     19         description = "A colour that replaces the background in some modules.";
     20       };
     21       foreground = mkOption {
     22         type = types.str;
     23         default = "#dfdfdf";
     24         example = "#123456";
     25         description = "The foreground (text) colour of the bar.";
     26       };
     27       foreground-alt = mkOption {
     28         type = types.str;
     29         default = "#555";
     30         example = "#123456";
     31         description = "A colour that replaces the foreground in some modules.";
     32       };
     33       alert = mkOption {
     34         type = types.str;
     35         default = "#bd2c40";
     36         example = "#123456";
     37         description = "A colour used when an alert happens (usually wm modules I think).";
     38       };
     39       wm-underline = mkOption {
     40         type = types.str;
     41         default = "#ffb52a";
     42         example = "#123456";
     43         description = "The colour used for underlining the wm module";
     44       };
     45       date-underline = mkOption {
     46         type = types.str;
     47         default = "#ffb52a";
     48         example = "#123456";
     49         description = "The colour used for underlining the date module";
     50       };
     51       battery-underline = mkOption {
     52         type = types.str;
     53         default = "#ffb52a";
     54         example = "#123456";
     55         description = "The colour used for underlining the battery module";
     56       };
     57     };
     58   };
     60   config = mkIf config.polybar.enable {
     61     services.polybar = {
     62       enable = true;
     64       script = ''
     65         # Terminate already running bar instances
     66         #killall -q polybar
     68         # Wait until the processes have been shut down
     69         #while pgrep -u $UID -x polybar >/dev/null; do sleep 1; done
     71         # Launch Polybar
     72         polybar -rq bar &
     73       '';
     75       settings = import ./settings.nix { inherit config; };
     76     };
     77   };
     78 }