commit 1eed9befc0906159084c133e6346ed508a95c8c8
parent 2a80abc24490491cc1e96f95a3d18ddd29a0f9c5
Author: GuyClicking <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2021 21:44:45 +1000
move greg house left
1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
diff --git a/houses.html b/houses.html
@@ -43,22 +43,22 @@ pre {
| |
| | |
[]=++- | |
- _.-._ _II__| | | |
- |_.-._| [[__] | | |
- | _________________|| |___ | | |
- ^^^^^^^ /^^^^^^,-.^^^^^^^^\|__|^^^\ | |
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- | |_| |_| |_| |_| | | | / ,',' `.`. ,-"""-. \ | |
- | | | Greg House | /___,','__ __`.`.__/_,"T"._\__\ | | |
- | : : .-. : : | |____________| |='-'||/\| |^^||`-`=|_|_|_|_|=| | |
- | |_| | | | |= = ||)(| |__||= ==|_|_|_|_|=| | | |
- """ '""'""| |""""'"""'""""''"""'""""""' |= ==|"""" """"| = =____= =_==| | |
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- """""'' ""| |"""""''""'"" _( ^) "'''' |== =||)(| | || = | == | == =| | | | | If you want a house or plot of |
- """ """"""| |"""""""'''' / ~\ ""'''" |= ==|"""" """"|== |____|= = =| | | | land contact me |
- ""'""'"'"""| |"''"""''"''"'" "''''"'"' """""|_________|"""'====`"""""" | | | | |
- "'"'"'"''"'| |""'' """''"'"""""""''"""" | | |________________________________|
+ _.-._ _II__| | | |
+ |_.-._| [[__] | | |
+ | _________________|| |___ | | |
+ ^^^^^^^ /^^^^^^,-.^^^^^^^^\|__|^^^\ | |
+ ^^^^ ^^^ | : : | ^^^ ^^^^ ,____________, / ,',-.`. \ | | |
+ | |_| |_| |_| |_| | | | / ,',' `.`. ,-"""-. \ | |
+ | | | Greg House | /___,','__ __`.`.__/_,"T"._\__\ | | |
+ | : : .-. : : | |____________| |='-'||/\| |^^||`-`=|_|_|_|_|=| | |
+ | |_| | | | |= = ||)(| |__||= ==|_|_|_|_|=| | | |
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+ "'""""'"'""| |''' '''''''"" C oo "'""' |= ==||/\| |==||== | o|=|_| | | | | |
+ """""'' ""| |"""""''""'"" _( ^) "'''' |== =||)(| | || = | == | == =| | | | | If you want a house or plot of |
+ """ """"""| |"""""""'''' / ~\ ""'''" |= ==|"""" """"|== |____|= = =| | | | land contact me |
+ ""'""'"'"""| |"''"""''"''"'" "''''"'"' """""|_________|"""'====`"""""" | | | | |
+ "'"'"'"''"'| |""'' """''"'"""""""''"""" | | |________________________________|
monke house | | | |
_________________________________________________________________________________| |_____________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________| | |_____________________________________________________________________